Wednesday, January 2, 2013

13 Things in 2013

  1.  Jesus Christ had 12 disciples, he was the 13th!!!
  2.  Its represents the Trinity 1:3..the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in 1
  3.  The number that cleans and purifies
  4. The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the Spirit (Supernatural): the passage on a higher level of existence.
  5. Represents the eternal love illustrated by Jacob and his twelve sons. 
  6.    We find often the number thirteen associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary
  7. The thirteen gates of the human body of the woman: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, the mouth, 2 breasts, the navel, the anus, the urethra and the vagina.
  8. Number in relation with the moon: it covers on the average thirteen degrees per day and there are thirteen lunation’s in the year.
  9.   The Number 13 is a Karmic Number.  Number 13 is the number of upheaval, so that new ground can be broken.  The number 13 has great power.  If this power is used for selfish purposes it leads to destruction.
  10.  The U.S started with 13 colonies, the first national flag had 13 stars, and even today it still has 13 stripes.
  11.  On the green side of the dollar bill there are 13 steps in the pyramid of the Great Seal.
  12.  Tribes of Israel. Yes, 13. They consist of the eleven sons of Jacob/Israel and the two sons of Joseph comprising the original 13 Tribes of Israel.
  13.  Most importantly, I was born 10.13…=)

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