Monday, December 31, 2012

Spreading the God News

Are you about this Life? I have been living a saved life for years and I have never been bored. There is no doubt that He comes so that you may live life more abundantly.  Without a doubt there are ups and downs but I would not change my walk or life for anything. In this blog, I hope that I can show you how to L.I.V.E.!!!! Being saved does not mean that you cannot enjoy life and I will show you an account on how as a Christian you can live purposely.
Is the Gospel Glamorous, maybe.  Is it fabulous, could be? Are you royalty? But of course you are!!! This blog has 4 categories, Fashion, Shoes (So bad they are sinful), fragrances, and the Spirit World which contains up and coming events when living a saved and satisfied life. If you do not have anything to do, or you are bored in the Lord, stop by so that we can encourage you in to fellowship or your saved walk. Speaking of walking, whats the lastest in Shoe Business, and what can I wear to church?.. and we can also visit what not to church..=).
Lets show the world that living as Saints does not mean we can not seize the day. We have our our way, our own fashion.. our own "WALK"!!! After all, we can be in the world but not of the world and all because you're Holy does not mean you have to be homely.
Gospel Glam

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